Our Privacy Policy applies to the personal data that we collect and process in TopFoams according to the guidelines of the New Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 and the national regulations emanating from said regulation (Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights), as well as Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data and Royal Decree 1720/2207, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the protection of personal data.

The person responsible for your data is DESCANSO VIP, S.L. (hereinafter TopFoams), registered in the Mercantile Registry of Ciudad Real, Volume 601, Folio 72, Section 8, sheet CR 24598; the registered office is 13179 Pozuelo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real), Spain, road CM-4174, km. 38,500, being your contact information: telephone 926 84 08 58 and e-mail www.topfoams.com


In TopFoams we treat the information provided by interested persons in order to manage everything related to their orders for items that we sell, as well as information and services associated with them, such as order management, shipment of goods, derived communications, billing and others.

When you subscribe to our guide (newsletter), or place an order you provide us with your email and you are expressly authorizing us to send you advertising related to our products and services by any means (postal, email or telephone) and invite you to events organized by the company.


The personal data provided will be kept as long as the established relationship is maintained. The period of conservation of the data provided will be determined by the relationship you have with us.

You can exercise your right of cancellation, rectification or deletion at any time. These will be deleted when you request the cessation of the activity or once the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations have elapsed; after this period of time, the data will be definitively deleted.


The legal basis that legitimizes the processing of your personal data is your consent, based on a legitimate interest or the need to manage a contractual relationship.

The sending of personal data is mandatory to contact and receive information about the services provided by TopFoams. Likewise, not providing the requested personal data or not accepting this Privacy Policy implies the impossibility of subscribing, registering or receiving information about said services.


Your personal data may be collected in different ways:

      □  Through the contact form. When the user of the website makes requests for information, doubts, complaints, opinions, etc. regarding the products offered on this website. Need to manage data to respond to user requests.

      □  Using the order form. When the user places an order for items offered for sale on our website. Need to manage the data to process everything related to the order, shipment of goods, billing, etc.

      □  Through the registration form as a user/client. When the user registers as such. Need to manage data to carry out customer management at an administrative, accounting and tax level, carry out market studies to measure the quality of our products and services, through satisfaction surveys, as well as send information of interest about new promotions, products, services or activities of our company.

However your personal data is collected, they will be processed on behalf of TopFoams, as Data Controller.

The personal data that we treat in TopFoams have been provided by you (the interested party) and with this you are expressing the acceptance of the processing of your personal data reflected in this Privacy Policy.

The interested party who sends the information to TopFoams is solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data included, exonerating TopFoams from any responsibility in this regard. The interested party guarantees and responds, in any case, the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertakes to keep them duly updated. The data subject agrees to provide complete and correct information in the registration or subscription form.

TopFoams is not responsible for the veracity of the information that is not of its own elaboration and of which another source is indicated, so it does not assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of said information.


TopFoams will not transfer your personal data to third parties, except those strictly necessary for the services associated with your request or orders to be provided, that is:

      □  To transport companies to finalize the purchase process and / or in cases where there is a legal obligation, However, in the case of being transferred to any other third party, prior information would be produced requesting the express consent of the interested party.

      □  To the financial institutions in charge of processing the financing of your order if the payment method chosen is the Financing of your purchase.


      □  To the Administrative and Tax consultancy that provides services for TopFoams for the management of data related to Accounting and Taxation necessary for compliance with legal obligations in these matters.

If you no longer wish to receive e-mails from TopFoams, simply send a message to info@topdormitorios.com, indicating your e-mail address and your wish to unsubscribe from the NewsLetter.

Likewise, we inform that, at any time, the interested party of the personal data may exercise the rights that assist him, in accordance with the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation), and that are:

      □  Right to request access to personal data concerning the data subject,

      □  Right to request rectification or deletion,

      □  Right to request the limitation of its treatment,

      □  Right to object to processing,

      □  Right to data portability

The interested party may exercise such rights in either of the following two ways:

      □  By written request accompanied by a photocopy of your ID on both sides, and in which you will specify which of these you request to be satisfied, sent by postal mail to the address: DESCANSO VIP, S.L., carretera CM-4174, km. 38,500, 13179 Pozuelo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real), Spain.

      □  By email addressed to the address www.topfoams.com, with subject "Data Protection", expressing the right you request regarding the processing of your personal data. This shipment must be made from the email address you included in the form (s) and must accompany your ID scanned on both sides. If any of the above requirements are not met (same email address and scanned DNI), your data will not be shown to you, because your identity is not considered sufficiently proven.

If you consider your right to the protection of personal data violated, you may file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.agpd.es).


TopFoams has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data we process, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration and / or access by unauthorized third parties.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by sending an email to www.topfoams.com


TopFoams has the largest security systems in e-commerce. This security is intensified at the time of card payment; We operate through the Redsys platform, with security systems such as Verified by VISA and MasterCard Segure Code, which guarantee encryption and concealment of your data to keep it safe.


TopFoams has implemented various measures to protect the security of your personal information, both online and offline.

The interested party declares to have been informed of the conditions on protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the treatment of these by TopFoams in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy.


TopFoams has a profile in some of the main social networks on the Internet (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) The treatment that we will carry out with the data of the Followers will be, at most, the one that the social network allows to the corporate profiles. Thus, TopFoams will be able to inform its followers, by any means that the social network allows, about its activities and offers. In no case will TopFoams extract data from social networks if it has not been previously authorized.


Traffic data such as the name of the access provider, IP address, date and time of access, links from which you access and any other information of a similar or analogous nature that you may provide in your navigation through the Website, if collected, will be treated anonymously and with the sole purpose of making statistics of visits to this Website (TopFoams.com).


TopFoams reserves the right to modify all or part of this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation, jurisprudential criteria, sector practices, or interests of the entity. Any modification in the same will be published on the website, which will be updated in this regard, and announced in advance, so that the user has perfect knowledge of its content. The Privacy Policy that is published at the time the User accesses the Website will be understood as valid, so the User must read it periodically.